Learning Through Interests/Internship Program Family Information
This video provides information about the Bellevue Big Picture Learning Through Interests/Internship program – goals, benefits, internship process, roles of students, family members and school staff.
Learning Through Interests/Internship Program (LTI)
School Philosophy
At Bellevue Big Picture School we believe that learning opportunities are everywhere, not just inside the classroom. Our philosophy is that we learn best when we are personally motivated, have a passion for what we are doing, and when knowledge unfolds authentically. Internships help students build knowledge, understanding and skills in the context of real-world work.
- Personalized Learning – Each student has a Big Picture Learning Plan and an Internship Project. The Advisory team (Intern, Parent/Guardian, Mentor, and Advisor) works together to create a challenging plan that reflects student interests and academic excellence. The Learning Plan sets the course, and the internship experience is a principal component of integrating academics and authentic learning.
- Exhibitions – Students present their work and learning at the end of each semester. Students create visuals, agendas, and professional presentations to highlight their internship projects. Parent/Guardians, Mentor, Advisor, peers, and others come to experience, reflect on, and offer feedback on the students’ project and their personal growth and achievements.
- Advisory – Each student is a part of a 20-person Advisory group that meets throughout the week. Their Advisor knows them well and helps them build a strong community while working on goals in their Learning Plans. The Advisors are in close communication with Mentor via email, phone, and site visits to check in with both the Intern and Mentor.
Internship Process
- Day of the Week, Schedule, and Internship Duration: Internships are for 7 hours on consecutive Thursdays between 7am – 7pm except on school holidays. The 7 hours include time for lunch and breaks as defined at the internship site. An internship lasts 10-12 weeks and can be extended for great learning experiences if the Mentor, Intern, and Advisor all agree.
- Dress: Internships require appropriate clothing. During an internship, different dress is suitable for various aspects of the work. The Mentor should explain the dress expectation to the Intern.
- Insurance: A Hold Harmless Agreement is included in the Worksite Learning Agreement at the beginning of the internship.
- Transportation: It is the responsibility of the Intern and their family to get to and from the workplace. Arrangements are made for each situation. District policy does not allow students to ride in a Mentor’s car for any reason.
Role of the Student
- Finding Internship – Students take the lead in their internship search process with support from Advisors, Parents/Guardians, and others. There are three (3) main ways students find internships:
- Networking with family, friends, community, and places in the area.
- Searching for sites related to interests on the internet.
- Connecting with Mentor’s who have worked with our students in the past through ImBlaze, our internship management software.
- Finding an internship can happen at any time (summer, weekends, non-Advisory time) and there is dedicated time in Advisory with Advisor support. Students new to the Big Picture High School participate in orientation and skill building workshops. Many first internships are focused on students learning workplace and soft skills. In-person internships are preferred, but virtual internships are possible with Advisor approval.
- Many beginning internships focus on transferable skills like problem-solving, critical thinking, leadership, adaptability, teamwork, communication, professional writing, active listening, creativity, attention to detail, project management, and relationship building. As students get older and develop transferable skills internships become more focused on specific career areas.
- Informational Interviews, Job Shadows, and Internship – When searching for internship, students send many emails and make phone calls, initially asking for an informational interview. Informational interviews are about 30 minutes and are mostly conducted virtually. If the interview goes well, students can ask for an internship with the Mentor. If an internship is agreed upon, the student asks for the needed information to pass to the LTI Coordinator who initiates the startup process: (bit.ly/StartInternship) Job Shadows need pre-approval by the LTI Coordinator. In-person internships are preferred, but virtual internships are possible with Advisor approval.
- During an Internship – While developing their project based on their BP Learning Plan Internship Goals, documenting progress, and Mentor feedback, interns should demonstrate honesty, punctuality, cooperation, confidentiality, and respect for others. Interns record their internship attendance in ImBlaze by checking in on arrival and out when they leave, notifying their Mentor and/or Backup Contact, Advisor, and school of any absence. They should inform the Mentor and/or Backup Contact of any problems, concerns, accidents, or injuries immediately. Interns review and sign their Internship Evaluation with their Mentor.
Role of the Parent/Guardian
- Parents/Guardians support their child by helping in the search process, encouraging active participation, punctuality, and personal growth. When an internship starts parents/guardians responsibilities include transportation to and from an internship site, and ensuring all absences are reported to the school (425-456-7800) and/or Advisor.
Role of the Advisor
- Advisors support and guide students in realizing their interests, developing their BP Learning Plan, and support in finding an internship. When the internship begins, the Intern’s Advisor becomes the Mentor’s primary contact from school. The Advisor contacts the Mentor toward the beginning of the internship to introduce themself and request a site visit to talk about the Intern’s learning and project. Advisors check in regularly, available to answer questions and document internship attendance.
Role of the LTI Support Team
- The LTI Coordinator initiates the startup process by sending an informational email and Worksite Learning Agreement to the Intern, Mentor, Backup Contact, Parent/Guardian, and Advisor. The email includes instructions, a Mentor Orientation document, a request for a Site Safety Check, and a link for the Mentor and Backup Contact background clearance. Once all this is completed, the internship can begin.
- The Community Partnership Coordinator and the Parent Partnership Coordinator build connections with new partners and maintain relationships with established partners. They assist in helping students connect with internship partners.
Role of the Mentor
A Mentor gives each student the opportunity to learn from an adult with a similar interest. Through genuine relationships a Mentor demonstrates a commitment to the Intern’s personal growth and workplace learning by teaching students about the workplace and career field, guiding and coaching student contributions, and modeling a positive work ethic. A Big Picture Mentor is someone who:
- Wants to make a difference
- Has high expectations for the Intern’s contribution
- Engages and takes time to know the Intern
- Is encouraging and offers challenging ideas
- Teaches by example and shares passion for the work
- Trusts the Intern and holds them accountable
- Is patient
- Communication:
- Notifies school if Intern does not attend without communicating their absence
- Meets regularly with the Intern, and communicates with the Advisor
- After an Intern’s checkout, Mentor’s receive an email to verify attendance. Advisors review attendance each week.
- Complete internship evaluations provided by the LTI Coordinator
- Collaboration:
- Identify common interests, discuss goals for the internship and the Intern’s learning
- Work with the Intern and Advisor to plan meaningful work and a challenging project
- Reflect with the Intern on learning goals and project progress
- Attend the Intern’s exhibition and offer feedback if available
- Other Considerations:
- Plans for when busy, late, or not available
- Asks the Backup Contact to supervise Intern when out of the workplace
- Video game development
- Coding
- IT support for schools
- Kitchen food preparation and distribution
- Large event food preparation and serving
- Curriculum material development
- Classroom support and supervision
- 3D modeling
- HVAC designs
- CAD designs
- Drone design and build
- Data Analysis
- Neighborhood traffic safety planning
- Fire safety
- Transportation electronics support
- Political campaign support
- Nursing rotation and patient care
- Hospital operations department rotation and support
- Naturopathic medicine
- Physical therapy support
- Marketing plans: social media and material development
- Fundraising and outreach
- Exhibit docent
- Marine biology
- Museum support
- Anne Findlay, findlaya@bsd405.org
- Anna Morin, morinan@bsd405.org
- Clinton Stellfox, stellfoxc@bsd405.org
- Dustin Abrahamson, abrahamsond@bsd405.org
- Ethan Trapani, TrapaniE@bsd405.org
- Karen Ho, hok@bsd405.org
- Kevin Roberts, rovertske@bsd405.org
- Rebecca Davis, davisr@bsd405.org
LTI Support Team
- Tony Granito, granitoa@bsd405.org, LTI Coordinator
- Barb Mercier, mercierb@bsd405.org, LTI Community Partnership Coordinator
- Hillary MacDonald, macdonaldh@bsd405.org, LTI Parent Partnership Coordinator